Reducing the future biodiversity crisis given
different future worlds

Organized by: Tord Snäll, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
TUE 23 (11:00)

The Biodiversity Crisis in a Changing World requires acknowledging multiscale policy development and land-use planning. Global policy for future biodiversity conservation is ultimately implemented at landscape and local scales. In parallel, landscape-scale green infrastructure planning needs to account for future socio-economic dynamics at national and global scales. This includes deciding on the use of forests to mitigate climate change. Besides raw materials and biodiversity, forests provide multiple ecosystem services, including stress relief and reduction. However, holistic analyses of forests to meet the growing demand of wood and still retain multiple ecosystem services and biodiversity are still lacking. The proposed symposium will present an approach to account for global Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs), and the global demand for wood that they will generate, to restore the green infrastructure of landscapes. We will further present how future scenarios may affect the future delivery both woody and non-woody ecosystem services (ES), stress relief and reduction and multiple measures of biodiversity. Making reliable projections ES and biodiversity into the future requires models accurately reflecting underlying dynamics among species. This e.g. includes accounting for species interactions and we will present ongoing model development work on both tree and beetle species communities. For this holistic evaluation, we have convened an interdisciplinary group of system analysts, foresters, ecologists and conservation biologists analysing scenarios of the future that have been formulated together with stakeholders. We aim to identify novel combinations of forest management and conservation practices meeting global demand of wood given by alternative global SSPs. We will combine socioeconomic scenario analysis, state-of-the art forest planning optimization tools and models for ecosystem services and biodiversity. Global, national and landscape analyses will be presented focusing on a wide range of ecosystem services and organism groups (birds, bryophytes, deadwood fungi and beetles) in central European and Nordic forests.


Introduction of Reducing the future biodiversity crisis given different future worlds
- Tord Snäll (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden)

Downscaling the fulfilment of global climate targets to national and landscape level harvest projections and biodiversity assessments
-Nicklas Forsell (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, IIASA, Austria)

Timber demand effects on the multifunctional management of Non-Woody Forest Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity
- Astor Toraño Caicoya (Technical University of Munich, Germany)

Higher synergies and alleviated trade-offs between ecosystem services from forest policies embedding more natural climate solutions in the production landscape
- Adriano Mazziotta (Natural Resources Institute Finland (luke), Finland)

Boreal forests and restorative health benefits to humans: management recommendations, synergies and trade-offs
- Daniel Burgas (University of Jyväskylä, Finland)

Rebuilding green infrastructure in boreal production forest given future global wood demand
- Helen Moor (Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research Wsl, Switzerland)

Balancing conservation and production in the bioeconomy: stakeholder-based management scenarios make biodiversity winners and losers in the boreal forest
- Henna Fabritius (University of Helsinki, Finland)
High resolution ALS-derived forest structure explains ecomorphological trait variation in assemblages of wood-living beetles
- Lukas Drag (University of Würzburg, Germany)