The final programme schedule is being prepared now!

Abstract submissions are closed.

Perhaps in March you did not know what your programme would be this summer?  And maybe you would still like to attend ECCB 2022 and share your scientific work at the same time.   If so, you can take advantage of this last-minute opportunity and submit an abstract for your poster!  A poster offers the opportunity to present your research work in progress to experts and receive valuable feedback. The session encourages networking and discussion among peers, which may lead to possible collaborative efforts!

The ECCB 2022 Steering Committee welcomes additional POSTER submissions for our oncoming congress to be held in Prague (August 22 - 26). We can offer new additional submissions for 40 posters. The submissions must be received by Wednesday, July 20th2022 at the latest. The online abstract submission site is available here. Please, follow our guidelines bellow when preparing your abstract for your poster.  Poster sessions will be held during the conference at dedicated timeslots (on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon), i.e., there will be no concurrent parallel sessions. Posters will be displayed at the meeting venue from the beginning till the end of the 4-day event, maximising visibility to your work.

The scientific program will include plenary sessions, invited symposia, workshops, organized discussions, short courses, poster sessions, and concurrent sessions of contributed oral presentations and speed presentations.
Oral presentations will be limited to 15 minutes, including 12 minutes presentation and 3 minutes for questions.    
  • The speed presentation session will include 15 speakers. To each speaker will be given 5 minutes to present the key ideas and results. After every three presentations there will be 9 minutes for discussion.  

  • Poster presentations are strongly encouraged. Posters will be displayed prominently and for long periods of time during the meeting; special sessions dedicated to posters and extended lunch breaks will allow in-depth discussion between authors and attendees.

  • Symposia presentations are dedicated for invited speakers only.

Please adhere to the following guidelines when preparing your abstract for a poster:

  • The abstract should include new information. Abstracts should not be submitted for presentations that have been given at previous SCB meetings or similar conferences.

  • The abstract should include specific information about the results and conclusions of the research. Abstracts that state that the “results will be discussed” will not be accepted.

  • The abstract should have a clear connection to conservation biology.

  • Abstracts that appear to be "adverts for activity" rather than reports of research outputs will be allocated to poster presentation

  • Individuals are limited to submit only one abstract as presenting author. Exceptions will be considered by the Scientific Committee, and are restricted to speakers invited to more than one symposium.

  • Each abstract will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee.

How to create your presentation?

Your presentation needs to be created in Microsoft PowerPoint file .PPTX or .PPT (alternatively in .PDF)
Presentations from Keynotes (Apple/Mac OS) are not supported and need to be saved as .pptx or .ppt.
Templates are not provided.
Please use the slide set-up for the on-screen show – 16:9 aspect ratio. 
Maximum file size is 20Mb.
Use standard Windows fonts only, avoid use of non-standard Windows fonts or language specific fonts.
Images: Do not copy and paste the images from another application, please use the “insert image from a file” functionality from PowerPoint (format JPG or PNG).
Video: MP4 or AVI are the only acceptable video formats. To avoid any issue with movies and loops with PowerPoint, presentations should be saved as a .pptx files.
Presentations will be displayed from a PC with Windows 10/11 and PowerPoint 365.
Apple: Please give your filename an extension “pptx”.
Check your presentation on a Windows-operated computer before you upload it.
You will obtain the information about how to upload your presentation and how to use the web-based platform in the beginning of August.


Presenting authors (oral, speed or poster) must register and pay the registration fee for the meeting as Early Birds (extended to 20th June); otherwise their presentation will be dropped from the program. The exception is now for a new call for additional poster submission. Registration should be proceeded and paid till 20th July.

Instructions for preparing abstracts

Abstracts should be submitted for oral presentations, speed presentations and poster presentations and for invited symposia. Symposium presentations are by invitation only.

Please follow the instructions carefully, including all requested information. Any abstract with errors or omissions will be returned to the sender for correction and runs the risk of missing the submission deadline. Abstracts will be submitted electronically via the ‘Online Submission Website’,, Menu: Call for abstracts. Web submission is strongly encouraged.

All abstracts must be received by 28th February 2022. The Scientific Committee will notify all authors by 21st April 2022.  Abstracts must be submitted according to the following format.

If you have any questions or problems, contact  us at


1. Account options. Insert your e-mail as a login name and password to your ECCB web-account.

2. Contact. Provide the name of the contact person for correspondence. Include the contact person's complete mailing address and country, including the country and city codes.

3. GDPR. By submitting abstract authors agree with processing their personal data for the purposes of organizing the congress (



1. Title. Titles are limited to 150 characters.

2. Affiliation. First list the institutional affiliations and addresses, including countries, for each author (max. 2 per author). When completing the affiliations in Abstract Authors (next step), determine the affiliation only by number. If the author has 2 affiliations, separate them with a comma (e.g. 2,5).

3. Authors and presenting author. Please, write out full first names of authors. Indicate the name of the presenting author (also for posters) - tick the buttom "Presenting author". Note that only one submission as presenting author will be possible. Determine the affiliation by number according to the list of affiliations you have created above. 10 authors is allowed as maximum.

4. Abstract. The body of the abstract is limited to one paragraph of up to 200 words. Begin with a clear statement of the problem or objectives, give brief mention of the methods, explicitly state the major results and their interpretation, and end with a substantial conclusion. Do not use vague statements such as "the results will be discussed." Follow the instructions given below to indicate any special formatting or symbols within the abstract. Abstracts that exceed 200 words will be returned to the author for revision.

5. Type of presentation. Indicate whether the abstract is intended for an oral or speed presentation, or as a poster. Please indicate if you will accept a speed presentation or a poster instead of an oral presentation.

6. Student presentation. Indicate whether the presentation will be given by a student.

7. Topic areas. If you are not presenting in an invited symposium, please choose from the list of general topic areas (select 3 as relevant) to assist us in placing your presentation into an appropriate session. Indicate your first, second and third choices. If you are presenting in an invited symposium, please select the symposium name.

List any necessary comments pertaining to your abstract submission, including any special scheduling requests.

Topic Areas. The following general topic areas will be used to place your abstract in an appropriate session