Congress Topic: Biodiversity crisis in a changing world

Scientific Programme

The current biodiversity crisis have led to a call for transformative change globally and in Europe - a change in how we interact with Nature that reduces pressure on biodiversity and secure Natures’ Benefits to People. This challenges how we perform conservation science, and calls for science-based practices that put humans and nature on a track that takes us out of the current crisis.

Practitioners, consultants, politicians, conservation and scientists and students are welcomed to discuss and to design new guidelines, tools and strategies in order to meet new challenges in times of biodiversity crisis.

The scientific program will features contributed talks, poster, and speed presentations as well as dozens of workshops and short courses.


Plenary talks:

TUE 23 (9:30) - Luigi Boitani

WED 24 (9:00) - Eszter Kelemen

THU 25 (9:00) - Anders Wijkman

FRI 26 (9:00) - Zuzana Münzbergová

Discussion sessions:

THU 25 (evening)

In times of war and borders walls: conservation for peace, peace for conservation - with panellists Luc Bas (former director of the IUCN Europe Regional office, Head of Coordination and Strategy at the European Environment Agency), Maciej Duszczyk (Warsaw University, Centre of Migration Research), Tatiana Kuzmenko (Ukrainian conservation practitioner), Ladislav Miko (former director of DG ENVIRONMENT and former Minister of Environment in the Czech Republic), Katarzyna Nowak (Bialowieza Geobotanical Station) and Iryna Stawczuk (Ukrainian ViceMinister of Environment and Natural Resources)

FRI 26 (16:00)

The future of conservation – the future for usA plenary session concluding the ECCB 2022, envisioning positive futures with keynote from William Sutherland, and panellists Anders Wijkman, Anne Magurran, Juliette Young, Ladislav Miko, moderated by Antony Lynam SCB president.

SCB presentation:

THU 25 (lunchtime) - SCB member meeting 


TUE 23 (11:00)

- Making agroecosystems more biodiverse: from local measures to landscape optimization I
- Reducing the future biodiversity crisis given different future worlds 
- Social and ecological values: Charting a course forward for SCB Europe post-2020 I
- Understanding the geography of large mammal comebacks in Europe 

TUE 23 (14:00)

- Making agroecosystems more biodiverse: from local measures to landscape optimization II 
- Planning where and how to best conserve and restore biodiversity
- Social and ecological values: Charting a course forward for SCB Europe post-2020 II
- Wildlife movement management frameworks in conservation of social ecological systems

TUE 23 (16:30)

- Biodiversity conservation interventions in agricultural landscapes
- Impact evaluation for nature conservation in a changing world
- Making the most out of ecosystem services assessments for conservation practice 
- Reconciling conservation with animal welfare 

- Towards landscapes of coexistence between people and megafauna

WED 24 (10:30)

- Animal migration to northern latitudes: environmental changes and increasing threats
- Conservation & Law: perspectives from the Post2020 Biodiversity Framework and the EU-Nature rules
- Conservation genetics: future directions for genetic and genomic applications for the conservation, restoration and monitoring of biodiversity I

- Insect pollinators conservation in urban areas 

- The future of European forests: the paradigm shift from forestry to socialecological forest management

WED 24 (14:00)

- Biodiversity post-2020: synthesizing large-scale predictions for the future under climate and land use change
- Bringing nature back to cities: using green infrastructure to support arthropod biodiversity 
- Conservation genetics: future directions for genetic and genomic applications for the conservation, restoration and monitoring of biodiversity II
- Synergy between nature and culture: the role of historical and sacred natural sites in biodiversity conservation
- The future of biodiversity monitoring in Europe

THU 25 (10:30)

- Biodiversity across the Aquatic-Terrestrial Boundary: Rivers and their Riparian Zones I
- Monitoring biodiversity trends and threats using novel digital tools I

- Traditional ecological knowledge for conservation: weaving traditional knowledge with science in and for Europe I

THU 25 (14:00)

Biodiversity across the Aquatic-Terrestrial Boundary: Rivers and their Riparian Zones II

- Monitoring biodiversity trends and threats using novel digital tools II

- The multiple dimensions of forest biodiversity as a starting point for sustainable management 

- Traditional ecological knowledge for conservation: weaving traditional knowledge with science in and for Europe II

FRI 26 (10:30)

- Emerging challenges and or the CAP on supporting and conserving farmland biodiversity 
- Large-scale assessments for conservation of European biodiversity
- Naturalistic grazing by large herbivores: understanding biodiversity patterns in restored self-regulating temperate savanna-grassland ecosystems I

- Similarities and differences in agroecology and urban ecology 

FRI 26 (13:30)

- Forest Policies and their impacts on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a changing world 

- Integrating Land System Science and Conservation Science for deeper insights into conservation challenges and opportunities

- Naturalistic grazing by large herbivores: understanding biodiversity patterns in restored self-regulating temperate savanna-grassland ecosystems II


TUE 23 

Genetic considerations as part of conservation reintroductions, supplementations and translocations

WED 24 

Attitudes towards large carnivores

Publishing conservation science

How international Conventions, Treaties and Organizations serve Nature Conservation

THU 25

Science-Policy Interfaces in a Rapidly Changing World 

FRI 26

What’s driving insect decline (and what’s not)?