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Safeguarding biodiversity by modifying law
- Kai Kokko (The University of Helsinki, Finland)
Access and Benefit Sharing in the Global Biodiversity Framework: How to Measure the Reciprocity for Nature?
- Aysegul Sirakaya (Lund University, Sweden)
The contribution of the EU Habitats Directive to the net gain
approaches of the UN Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework and EU
Biodiversity Strategy
- Volker Mauerhofer (Mid Sweden University, Sweden)
Halting the Loss of Biodiversity in the European Union; the Effect of the Environmental Liability Directive
- Valerie Fogleman (Cardiff University School of Law And Politics, UK)
Birds in gilded cages: An investigation of the illegal trade of wild songbirds in the EU
- Jacqueline Jürgens (University of Southern Denmark)
Strategic climate change litigation, science and the EU Habitats Directive: moving from adaptation to contestation?
- Hendrik Schoukens (Ghent University, Belgium)
Urban conservation and restoration in times of climate change: going beyond a little bit of ‘greening’
- An Cliquet (Ghent University, Belgium)